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What I Love – A List

August 10, 2012
Photograph courtesy of Rachel McGinn photography
Written by Marykate Wurster, mother of three wonderful children, Gladwyne, PA
  1. Polka dots
  2. Stripes – especially navy and white
  3. The Sound of Music
  4. Fun dangling earrings
  5. Fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table
  6. My youngest daughter’s laugh
  7. Blue summer skies with white billowing clouds
  8. The sound of a tea kettle whistling
  9. The smell of freshly brewed coffee
  10. Dutch doors
  11. Clean stacks of laundry
  12. Sport sounds – the crack of a bat hitting a baseball, the swoosh of a golf swing, the sound a basketball makes as it dives through the net
  13. Newborns, especially if I don’t have to be up all night with them!
  14. A clear night sky bursting with stars
  15. Avocado’s
  16. Christmas carols
  17. Pumpkin bread
  18. Old friends
  19. Dinner with friends
  20. Serendipity

One of my favorite lines, and a well known one, is from the play Our Town. “Good-bye to clocks ticking….and Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new ironed dresses and hot baths….and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it– every, every minute?”.

Clocks ticking, that is a wonderful sound. And how about the turn signal on your car? Mine always reminds me of driving with my Nana. The rhythmic clicking sound takes me back and suddenly I am seven again in the car with my grandmother, on one of our outings. So tell me, what is it you love?

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  1. Tara Manna

      on August 10, 2012 8:20 pm

    MK, I absolutely love your list – it put a huge smile on my face. Do you know that I print everything you write and find myself reading them to my family during dinner time? Love reading all your blogs because they are so moving, inspirational and optimistic; just like you. The one we all connected with the most was about laughter – totally agree!!! Thank you for being the most amazing friend ever. Looking forward to our adventure to Philly. The Mannas MISS the Wursters more than you know. Love you, Maggie, Ronald and Amanda. xoxo Tara


  2. Jan Kent

      on August 14, 2012 4:47 pm

    What I love list:

    The air after a sudden spring shower
    bread baking
    the pile of a really soft blanket
    a hot drink on a cold day
    quiet forest glens
    walking the beach at sunrise (sunset)
    a child’s hand in mine
    goodnight stories
    exhaustion after good exercise
    home made tapioca pudding
    freshly brewed coffee
    my grandson’s laugh
    scented candles
    twinkling lights and twinkling stars
    acts of kindness
    a good book
    an inspired student
    the satisfaction of a job well done
    sleeping in a freshly made bed
    wind chimes
    sunlight through stained glass
    reverent silence in church
    chimney smoke and burning leaves in the autumn
    lilacs in the spring

    these are just a few of my favorite things…


  3. Marykate Wurster

      on August 14, 2012 4:53 pm

    Jan – gorgeous!! And so beautiful – I loved being taken through your list. I keep coming up with new ones – attics, window seats, seeing my kids for the first time when school gets out. thanks so much for sharing.


  4. Marykate Wurster

      on August 15, 2012 4:21 pm

    Tara, thanks for your comments!! Sending love to all!! XXOO


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