Dear Target,
May 8, 2022I am doing analysis, there is a pattern to this I can feel it…
It’s usually a Monday night, sometimes a Sunday, and twice last month it was Wednesday. Mom do we have… (Moms, take out your number 2 pencils it’s time for a fill in the blank worksheet) balloons, streamers and ring pops? We are decorating the lockers tomorrow for the juniors. (it is 8pm, I have been up since 5 and Target closes at 10). A hot glue gun? Glitter glue? Mom, do we have white t shirts?… its for math class oh and I need I need fabric markers we have those right? (math class?) Mom do we have model magic? Posters? Pipe cleaners? Popsicle sticks? Red felt? Do we have the entire arts and craft section of Michael’s in our basement?
The requests usually come in after 7 or 8pm. Home from sports, homework is being completed, then the light bulb goes off. It is usually cold outside, below 30 degrees especially this ‘spring’ with winter continuing through May. How about wood glue on a Sunday night? Or a canvas on Monday at 9pm. That was fun.
In my fantasy I email the teachers. I know that you work very very hard and try to make the lessons come alive for our children. I get that. And SO appreciate it. But I am hitting up Target two and three times a week. They know me. I know them. I know the hours and know I can find acrlyic paint at 9pm on a Wednesday night or at 7am when they open. I know the cleaning crew because they are always there when I arrive in the morning. They are great by the way, super helpful and they know where everything is. Gold stars. Wondering, can we be a little less creative? And involve things like crayons and markers? I have those. It’s nothing personal, just the time, and the trips, and another thing, you get that right?
Or I could stick to my (hot glue) guns. Make the hard call. Years ago I established a family rule: I need 2 days notice (because Amazon Prime). But then they won’t have what they need for the project and will let the entire group down, or will be the only kid in algebra without a t shirt and a math joke (yes that is a thing) or the only kid who didn’t decorate a locker and now I have the moral weight and responsibility of ruining another child’s high school experience because I didn’t want to be at Target when they opened at 7.
So I run to Target again, and thank God that a new one opened 5 minutes from my house. On the way out I scoop up an extra set of XL twin sheets for my daughter’s dorm room next fall and perspective settles in. I will miss the Target runs. I will miss the buzz of high school and already do. Strange to miss something while you are in the midst of it, knowing these days won’t last forever.

Dear Target, You are always there for me. I love you. Mom
Teachers are my heros. And there are no words to express the deep gratitude I feel for all they have done for me in my life, and my children. And I would run to Target any day for the creativity so thank you to the teachers for keeping it engaging. The last couple of years have been a challenge and we have all experienced on a small scale what you do everyday and the awe is still there. Thank you for molding the future and giving our children all of you.
Written by Mary Kate O’Malley
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Category: Random and Fun
Tags: happy, mom blog, mom life, mom tips, mommy blog, mommy life, school supplies, shopping, target, teachers |
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