Conclusions, and other things
April 17, 2013
Written by Marykate O’Malley, mother of three wonderful children, Gladwyne PA
I have come to some important conclusions this past week.
1. It really bothers me that Spongebob Squarepants is on the Pirates Booty bag. I think he has bad manners. And now I don’t want to buy Pirates Booty. But I want to. But I can’t. But I want too but I can’t because I am taking a moral stand on Spongebob. It’s tearing me apart every time I walk down aisle 5. I haven’t worked this one out yet.
2. I have reached the conclusion that my youngest isn’t an poor eater after all! She just doesn’t like fruits and vegetables. Otherwise her diet is rich in dairy – she drinks Kefir like most people drink water, whole wheat grains and rich protein. She is just missing one part of the food pyramid. That’s it! She does eat carrots peeled, sliced and dipped in Bolthouse ranch dressing. And banana and mangoes disguised in a smoothie. Corn! She likes corn with butter. What else…. FruitaBu! That has a full serving of fruit so it counts. And technically ketchup, the tomatoes. I have decided to focus on the positive here and move towards acceptance. It reminds me of the Serenity Prayer. This is a big step for me. I have wrestled with this for years.
3. Because she is selective about her food, this is how she orders. A hot dog with no hot dog but with ketchup. Translation – roll with ketchup. Clam chowder without the soup. Translation – oyster crackers. Frozen yogurt without the yogurt. Translation – just the toppings. She is a girl who knows what she likes. And that is a good thing.
4. Yoga has been on my mind because, well, I just can’t seem to get there. For me when I think of the hierarchy of needs it is safety, food, clothing, yoga, shelter. You can do yoga outside.Yoga to me isn’t just exercise it is a moving meditation, a fluid prayer. See? I miss it. I need to figure this one out and vinyasa myself to a studio. Pronto.
What is going on with you?
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Category: Random and Fun
Anne Schenendorf
on April 24, 2013 6:45 amMaryKate, this article has come up several timea this week between Greg and I. He first read it to me and we were squealing laughing. Hysterical. Pirates booty is on our shopping list. Seany just had it at a friend’s and loved it. I really dislike Spongebob from teaching, but maybe I’ll serve them in bowl? I think my second graders loved his irreverence.
on April 24, 2013 7:28 pmI think that is what they love – I tried to like Spongebob but I cant. Pirates Booty is yummy – in fact kids food is highly under rated – goldfish, mac and cheese – grilled chesse. Yum!