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Best Advice I Ever Heard…

November 10, 2010

… was from our Window Repairman.

When he first visited our home, I was 8 months pregnant with our first adorable.  He mentioned he had 4 sons and then he shared a golden nugget that I’ve carried with me these almost 5 years…

Are you ready?

“No baby has ever died from crying.”

Photo by bbaunach

When you see this face and think the world is ending, just remember this little pearl: “No baby has ever died from crying.”

I can’t tell you how many times this allowed me to calm down and gain a fresh perspective.

What was the best advice you received?  Please share!

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  1. christy treffer

      on November 10, 2010 10:46 am

    You can’t love a baby too much. Touch, kiss, hold them close and often.


  2. Kimberly

      on November 10, 2010 2:09 pm

    Your children will embarrass you in public no matter how much you teach them to be polite.


  3. Heidi Farmer

      on November 10, 2010 2:20 pm

    Love this! For me it was my younger adorable crawling on all fours in the airport bathroom yesterday. I wasn’t even going for polite, just the bare minimum of cleanliness.


  4. Sarah

      on November 10, 2010 10:34 pm

    I think “Let the house go” was a pretty good one. We definitely don’t do a once a week deep clean like we used to. It’s a waste of time, for one, and we have much better things to do with these days that we’ll never get back. I’ll clean in 30 years after the grandkids leave!


  5. julie

      on November 11, 2010 9:10 am

    I remember a Mom at my Mother’s Group gave me some holiday advice. Have Santa bring ONE present and fill the stocking. (the child will have other items from you, relatives, etc.)
    I came from a family that overspent on Christmas and it was always about filling up around the tree (we wrapped and put under the tree before Christmas). So nice not to have that pressure hanging over me an his expectations are in line.
    However, do admit that I found a loop-hole in this plan. He has a REALLY big stocking. (got to make room for books, little toys, etc. that I get for him). But at least it is at my discretion – stocking doesn’t have to be full to the top either. =)
    Also since this was Santa’s tradition early on – it didn’t come as a shock when the Christmas list began and I had to say – remember Santa only brings one item. That way the list was only about 5 items long, instead of 20 or 30.


  6. Lisa

      on November 11, 2010 10:40 am

    Best advice I received: When you are pregnant, especially with your first, DO NOT buy any baby clothes. Between showers,co-workers, friends and relatives, you will get all the clothes you need – especially if people know the baby’s sex ahead of time. It was true for me, the kid’s closet was FULL before he ever arrived into the world! 🙂


  7. Stephanie

      on May 2, 2012 5:14 pm

    For Christmas give your children something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. I love this motto.


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