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It’s Pi Day! (3.14)

March 14, 2013

written by Cathy Baker, mom of two sweet daughters

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A few years ago, we attended “Pi Day” at our local Children’s Science and Discovery Center on March 14th (3.14) thus, pi day!  They had lots of fun activities about pi for the kids and they also served us all pie! yum!

My 11 year, is currently fascinated with Pi!  In fact, she has memorized pi out to 30+ decimal places, and she’s still going.  (I’m sticking with 3.14, but enjoy hearing her rattle off all the numbers in pi.)

When she saw the pie above, the first thing she said, was “It’s not right” – then we had to talk about how they rounded up the last number…

We are in the process of making a ‘pi border’ around her room.  I’m using vinyl cling numbers, so when her ‘whim’ passes, we can remove them.  But she is super excited about this project. 🙂

So stop by your local grocery store…and pick up a pie for dinner tonight…and make it an annual tradition!

Me, I’m hoping they have pie aboard the cruise ship today…so we can continue our tradition! And my daughter thinks this is gonna be the best cruise ever because we are leaving on ‘pi day’!

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  1. Heidi Farmer

      on March 14, 2013 8:53 am

    Amazing Pi Border!! Love to see Pi Day taking off…


  2. Lisa

      on March 15, 2013 1:19 pm

    Such a cute idea, Cathy! I love it 🙂


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