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The Gift of An Ordinary Day

August 20, 2012

written by Cathy Baker, mom of two sweet daughters, who are growing up way too fast!

With my oldest daughter entering Middle School, I am definitely entering a new chapter in my beautiful, yet ever changing life. This past week, I was reminded of this video I saw a couple of years ago, so I paused to watch it again.  Oh, the happiness which can be found in the everyday ordinary-ness of life! No matter what season of life, or mothering, you are in, I encourage you to pause to capture the beauty that this ordinary day holds. Also, do yourself a favor, take a few minutes to watch this video by author, Katrina Kenison. (psst – grab a kleenex first!)

Katrina Kenison – The Gift of an Ordinary Day

If you are interested, you can find Katrina Kenison’s book, The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother’s Memoir, here.

What ordinary things have you enjoyed today?

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  1. Julie R.

      on August 21, 2012 8:48 am

    THANKS FOR POSTING!!!! I have a “snarky” 11yo tween about to start 7th grade. This video was perfect for me to hear. I was trying to find the right “support” out on the internet and even googled “middle school mom” to try to find some information about this change in my son and our relationship. This hit it on the nose. I am not alone!!!!! LOL


  2. Cathy Baker

      on August 21, 2012 10:22 am

    @Julie R., Isn’t it just nice to know that we are not alone on this journey!?! Sometimes just knowing that truth can give us enough strength to make it through one more day during the various challenges of each season of motherhood. Hang in there!!


  3. Anne Schenendorf

      on August 28, 2012 1:40 pm

    Oh, this made me cry. Amazing. How lucky we are that this is our gift of today. So great- thank you for sharing it!!!!


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