AAarrrgh! It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!
September 19, 2013written by Cathy Baker, mom of two sweet tweens, who on occasion act more like pirates!

Halloween 2010
In case ye were not aware, it’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day!! So grab a sword and celebrate it!!
First, ye must learn to talk like a pirate, matey!
Yo Ho Ho – what a fun list of pirate words a matey posted at Disney Fan Review!
And speakin’ of learnin’ pirate, have ye heard of the free app Mango Languages? It gives ye lessons to learn various languages…including pirate talk! Me hearties had fun playin’ ’round with this over the summer!
Here are a few of my ‘mom phrases’!
- Eat Your Grub! (Dinner time!)
- Ready to set sail? (Time to leave!)
- Off with your head! (If they say something I don’t like!)
- Scrub the Deck! (clean up!)
- Walk the Plank! (again, if they say something I don’t like)
- And of course I call them ‘matey’ and ‘scalywag’ every chance I get
- Shiver Me Timbers! (If they tell me something or I want to get their attention!)
Check out ye ole FACEBOOK! Have ye changed it to pirate language for today? Go to the bottom of ye RIGHT column. Choose LANGUAGE. Find ENGLISH (PIRATE) and click it. Now have fun reading your FACEBOOK statuses in Pirate!
Oh, and don’t forget to grab your free booty of donuts from Krispy Kreme. If ye go in and talk like a pirate, the matey there will give you a free donut. And if ye dress up like a pirate, they will give ye a FREE DOZEN DONUTS! Me thinks I must convince me hearties to dress up like pirates this afternoon after school! Arrgh!
Good luck keepin’ your crew in line today! And for today only you can always make them ‘Walk the Plank!’
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Category: For Kids, Random and Fun
Tags: family fun, pirate day |
Heidi farmer
on September 20, 2013 10:51 amLove this! Thanks for the heads up. What a fun day!!